

Two students talking while seated in the central mall area

Join Us At Rose State!

We serve a diverse population of students, from recent high school graduates to adults seeking new careers


Are you returning to school after an absence or deciding to check it out for the first time? Maybe you already have a job and are seeking additional training? Or perhaps you're a parent looking to provide for your kids? No matter where you are in life, Rose State will meet you at that point and work with you to tailor a plan that's right for you, right now.

We know you have a great number of responsibilities and demands on your time, and that schedule flexibility is of the utmost importance — so that's exactly what you'll find here. Classes can be taken during the day or in the evening, and many are offered online. Even the length of the semester is up to you. Select whatever works best — two-week, four-week, eight-week or a 16-week term.

Regardless of your circumstances, we know you can succeed in college ... and we're here to help you do just that. Give us a call at (405) 733-7372 to learn more.